Oil Spill Response Application (OSRAp)

OTRA developed an Oil Spill Response Application (OSRAp), usable from internet (without any installation) or from a cellphone (IOS or Android). Four Modules are included, and others are under development.

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Apple devices

Unit Converter

The module provides conversion between any units relevant to oil spill response operations.

Oil Slick Trajectory

The module estimates the oil slick drifting speed and direction, based on wind and current data in the area of the response operations.

Drift prediction can be exported in KMZ format and opened on Google earth or any other Geographic Information System (GIS)

Oil Quantification

Based on the Bonn Agreement Oil Appearance Code (BAOAC), the module estimates the quantity of oil at the sea surface, based on observations (from aerial surveillance, satellite imagery).

Dispersant Application

The module allows adjusting speed of vessels and dispersant pump flowrate for a proper dispersant:oil ratio (DOR). It also calculates the quantity of oil dipsersed and dispersant needed for spraying operations with several ships.